Monday, June 27, 2011

June 26

Today (well, yesterday now) I ate the following:

Breakfast. I finished the leftover fried rice my husband made the night before. The ham wasn't right for the dish and added a kind of jarring taste. On top of that, I ate past the point of being full, since my drive for 'completion' (in this case, 'completely' finishing the leftovers) compelled me to keep going. I ate at my computer as I read online, so a lot of it was mindless. It takes a lot of willpower not to start criticizing myself for this.

The rice itself, however, was quite tasty.

Lunch. Husband made me a roast beef sandwich on a poppy seed Kaiser roll. I was hungry and the amount was just right; finished not too full, and no longer hungry. He layered a lot of meat on it, and included tomato and mayonnaise. I ate it while laying on our bed, watching TV (it was - ostensibly - my 'day off'). I had had a small Coke beforehand, which was kind of unsatisfying.

Snack(s). Husband was making potato salad and had prepared bacon. I wound up eating three slices (I love bacon), as well as several spoonfuls of the potato salad. I was a bit peckish when I started, but it was kind of overkill. All eating while doing other things (except slice #2 - stolen - which I really savored). Daughter came home from a birthday party with excess cake; when I got a little hungry before dinner, I ate a pretty large glob of frosting (mainly for the texture, although the sweetness was just right). Again, I was doing other things (cleaning my office); the frosting was the result of peckishness, but the subsequent sliver of cake (for more frosting) was not.

Dinner: Husband made (Sundays are his cooking days) a chicken curry that was only somewhat of a success. Nonetheless, I ate a full plate of it, with rice, and ate past the point of fullness. We were sitting on the couch watching TV; not distracted, entirely, since I was concentrating on the new recipe, but I ate past fullness because of the completist drive. Followed it up with a piece of cake, which was total overkill but was burning a hole in my brain. for thought.

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