Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 29

Arguably the most useful thing that's coming out of this exercise is a slow-but-growing awareness of the emotional/situational cues that spur non-hungry eating. Specifically, if I'm sitting around on the couch and watching TV only half-interested, I find that I want to eat something, anything. But it's very much like the TV watching - I'm not particularly interested in the program, and I'm not particularly interested in the food. Rather, I'm looking for something to distract/entertain me (I'm not sure which just yet. I know that there are things I could be doing with the time, and I know that there's a part of me that doesn't want to I wonder if the TV/eating isn't partly a procrastination tactic?).

Today, if I start feeling like that, I might try to throw an 11-minute activity at it to see if that gets me over the procrastination hump without making me feel overwhelmed with stuff I need to do.

Now, on to yesterday:

Breakfast - Cheerios with banana. Was hungry. Reading at the computer. Finished when full enough.

Lunch - some of the curry from the other night, with a relatively modest portion of rice. Was hungry. Reading at the computer. Finished when full enough.

Snack - This is where things were going downhill a little. I had some leftover oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough frozen and waiting to be baked. We had guests with kids and I baked them up - which was fine. I just fell down at the point of the dough itself; popped one little dough ball into my mouth as I was baking, another later on, and then I finished the rest after dinner - because they were there. I also ate two of the baked cookies, which were good, but there was a combination of procrastination/boredom and completism at work in the dough consumption.

Dinner - two frozen meals. The first was good and I was hungry, but watching TV (for some reason, TV seems to make me less aware than does reading). The second was partly-to-largely for the purpose of getting rid of the sweetness of the cookie dough. Interesting...

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